DOrth RCS (Edinburgh)
Composed of high-grade stainless steel brackets, wires and ligature bands, traditional metal braces are widely regarded as the most common and affordable type of dental braces.
Though more noticeable than other types of braces, metal braces are also more versatile and wallet-friendly, making it the most suitable option for many patients.
With stainless steel, even the most severe cases of misaligned and crooked teeth can be fixed. The strength of other common braces type like ceramic braces is simply incomparable to that of metal braces.
Advancements in modern technology also mean that today’s metal braces are noticeably thinner and lighter, ensuring both effectiveness and comfort. Our clinic also offers heat-activated archwires that can further speed up the process of alignment - with lesser pain and discomfort.
With this conventional braces treatment, patients have the freedom to be creative and fun with their braces. Show off your personality through the colours of the ligature bands!